Another great movie: Runaway Jury with Rachel Weisz, John Cusack, Gene Hackman, & Dustin Hoffman. All about how America is all about the money. Forget justice, forget honour, integrity, humanity, or morals. It's all about the money.
Errr, did a little studying and found jury consultants are for real. They probably aren't all as despicable as Fisk but, yeah, they probably exist. The info on the gun trails, at the time, were true. Not srue about today.
Every now and then I just need a good laugh. This is about the only place on the web that I find such. The Onion, altogether is pretty good, but the opinion piece usually has something to inspire a laugh. Even the occupations of the commenters are whacked.
I am so relieved whenever I find something interesting on the web rather than the forced feeding on the idiocy of our world "leaders". How we allow such imbeciles to run our world is beyond me. I think maybe Douglas Adams had it right on how the universe should be run.