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Premiere of 'Tales of us' at Manchester Int Festival, July 17/18 2013
  • 932 Comments sorted by
  • jozzy81 said:

    i just can't believe it's a week ago already :O

    Not a direct reply, more a comment on the passing of time, I'm setting weekly reminders on Google calendar until the albums released, just as little "squee" moments , like finding a fiver in your pocket. I'm not at all impatient for September, it's the anticipation I'm enjoying, as someone observed about Manchester that they were semi not looking forward to it as once it was there, it'd be done.
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • LOL Bwa Bwa What????????
    is Juan okay.........
    Post edited by stevil at 2013-07-24 23:57:27
  • Is there a thread contest?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • I think we have a winner...
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • we certainly do...
    "its MY favourite song"
  • This just in: miss you Frappers. Hope we'll get over it some day...
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • I didn't say too much in my earlier posts about the meeting-up with folk, but I can certainly state that, for me, it was very moving... seeing both old* faces and new. :) It was such a whirlwind 48 hours, just wish I could have stretched to staying for the 2nd night/show. Everyone, without exception, was very pal-y and cheerful, and I could see, in people's eyes, that they felt this was a particularly special occasion! :) </cringy-love-in>

    * ie familiar, not aged

  • @Micky 2.30am??  Hats off to you my man!  Really, I have the stamina of a sloth.

    Missing y'all too.  It was such a great couple of days, wonderful memories.
  • Una said:

    @Micky 2.30am??  Hats off to you my man!  Really, I have the stamina of a sloth.

    Missing y'all too.  It was such a great couple of days, wonderful memories.

    Forgot to mention i was an absolute wreck the day after though !
    photo 48d99ea1-4ff3-47b4-a076-5c9c0bc0a716_zpsbb643bce.jpg
  • Dreeke said:

    This just in: miss you Frappers. Hope we'll get over it some day...

    I sat at work today and had a "A WEEK SINCE THE GIGS? ALREADY!?" moment. It wasn't pleasant.

    Yeah, having the gang in full effect was pretty special.

    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • I didn't say too much in my earlier posts about the meeting-up with folk, but I can certainly state that, for me, it was very moving... seeing both old* faces and new. :) It was such a whirlwind 48 hours, just wish I could have stretched to staying for the 2nd night/show. Everyone, without exception, was very pal-y and cheerful, and I could see, in people's eyes, that they felt this was a particularly special occasion! :) </cringy-love-in>

    * ie familiar, not aged

    There's a lot to be said for cringy-love-ins :) Hopefully another opportunity in November.
  • I <3 cringey love-ins. Seriously, after last week, I feel exactly the same. Missing it, and sure we can do it again soon. Just.... Well......... That was pretty fuckin special weren't it.....<br />
    *has another predictable cry*
  • Ummm, also what is this ^ cheery on top malarky PLZ? Me don't understand...
  • Laura said:

    Ummm, also what is this ^ cheery on top malarky PLZ? Me don't understand...

    Me neither. Not sure why it always stays as the last post. We need a moderator here. Or a dalek :)

    Pretty fucking special? I'll drink to that with my bottle of water vodka/martini/lemonade :)
  • Do a sort-by-date. Looks like you've ended up with this thread sorted by votes. All mine have always been by-date. The system is a bit weird.

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