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"I'm Here Today Because I'm Gay."
  • mahogany= my agony
    'the wind...the wind'

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Crikey! Not a shaven headed woman among them!! :-))
    Isn't it sad that in so many "coming out" stories, people still express how they've been subjected to the insinuation that they must've known they were gay all along....that somehow they've hidden " the truth" as if it were an extra limb or something....I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to explain to friends and peers as well as pupils that sexuality should probably be viewed fluidly, as a process of continuous exploration and refinement, not shameful revelation! Fortunately the younger generation do seem to be getting that now (IMO). It's not who you're with that matters, it's how you treat them and vv.
  • I like my lesbian's when they don't shave under their arm pits and look like men. And wipe that goddamm makeup off your puss!
    mahogany= my agony
    'the wind...the wind'

  • ^ I just LOVE women, makeup or no makeup on! I like your link banan. I'm not really into country music (besides Taylor Swift and a few old classics) but I did meet Chely Wright. I screened her movie "Wish Me Away" when it was released. Dam, that woman went through Hell in her private life and public life. I told her she's lucky to have a public platform...that way not only does she shine a light, but she doesn't always have to keep "coming out" to people. It becomes such a pain in the arse!
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light

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