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  • 37 Comments sorted by
  • Hunter, sometimes we just need a little reminder what love is... http://www.ehow.com/how_5504527_figure-out-someone-truly-loves.html
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Oh and went on a date tonight. She called me "darling" and showed me pics of her cat wearing a tie. Then she was telling me how she leaves the TV on for him while she's at work so he doesn't feel alone. Idk, pretty damn sweet to me.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • It seems a few pointers might be in order, Hunter....just in case.  I was married to one for about a decade, .long enough for her to get permanent residency and a shitload of money from me.  I don't know if you have money at risk but, if so, you need to be aware that a lot of states have common law marriage.  All you have to do is live with the person for a year and, bang, you're married.  It doesn't sound like he's violent (physically or mentally), thank goodness, so, if you're having fun, it sounds like you're prepared.  Your whole description sounds so much like my life story, it's spooky.  The lady was pure genius, world class chef, knew more about medical than most doctors, could speak a ton of languages, knew just about anything and could talk on any subject and, yet, she liked to prey on others.  Go figure.
  • No money...and even if I did he wouldn't go after it. He is very much closeted and I am positive he wouldn't out himself that way. Willy is not violent either. He's just an incredibly handsome, intelligent, charming and witty young man who happens to also be a pathological liar, manipulative, has no problem taking what he wants with no concern to how it may affect others around him. It is what it is and I am here where I am.

    I almost came on to this thread last night to delete my previous posts, I felt guilty posting all of that and we have had such a lovely last couple days but then I worried I would somehow be retreating into denial if I did that. So I will let the truth be, here on the GMB, for now.
  • ^ I'm glad. The socio I dated was almost like Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde scarey. Incredible moments of caring mixed with huuuuge lies. She wasn't "out" either. You will find that if you don't have trust, you have nothing...at least I did.

    What do you guys think of on-line dating? In the age of Grinder and Tinder, cruising has become a lost art..hahaha. Dontcha want to physically see the person besides a profile?! Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I do. I've only done it once...and here was the outcome- it's funny.

    Her profile was great, she was HOT..double check. We set up a meet time at a local art gallery/bar. She's super late..so I order wine and start chatting it up with a woman sitting at the bar. She's telling me about her crazy, drug addict ex. An hour goes by. I get a text from the "potential"...she says she has to buy kitty litter and is running late (?) Seriously? Fucking kitty litter at like 9 pm? Now I'm half drunk and I'm liking the girl I struck up a convo with. She FINALLY arrives and looks at me in a horrified way..I don't get it, I actually dressed up..WTF! Well she storms out! Come to find out I had been talking to her ex the whole time! She saw me with her ex and freaked out....cosmically weird! God saved me on THAT one...whew.

    Just now realized this kinda sounds like a gay version of 'Sex and the City'...I'll have to rename it 'Sex and the Shitty' ....(I guess I'm Samantha..hahaha)

    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2014-04-08 00:45:52
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Ponygurl, great story. Funny how those things work out sometimes.

    I personally go back and forth from the pro and con side about online dating but for me whether there is a connection there is so often hugely based on something other than looks (really one or two profile images?) and how someone presents themselves in some little online bio. I'm not sure how to put it in words but I have been with several partners that I NEVER would have picked from some dating site.

    It's some sort of energy that is exchanged between the two of us. It happens when we are in the same space together and it can completely override the initial lack of physical attraction. I also really like to see how a potential date interacts with the world around them. I can learn a lot about a person that way.

    I worry that cruising is becoming a lost art as well. There is such a thrill to the chase (with old school cruising) but so many people are now just doing itfrom smart phones and computers. Seems a little lazy to me.

    I'd watch 'Sex and the Shitty' for sure. I used to fantasize that I was Samantha Jones and Karen Walker (aka Anastasia Beaverhousen)'s long lost love child. Whatever that may say about me...
  • If I were dead, could I do this?

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