"Frapapellas" as they were dubbed in Supernature times are tracks ripped from the 5.1 mixes to make something akin to an acappela, but since the essence of 5.1 mixes is to spread everything over various channels you never get a clean acappela, it's mixed with other parts of the song. Even though they aren't clean they can still be useful if you like remixing, or just interesting if you want to hear particular pieces isolated. Here's my quick attempt at taking some from Tales, enjoy
Thank you for these, rewak! :) They are wonderful and make for excellent bonus tracks.
I had a king in a tenement castle, lately he's taken to painting the pastel walls brown. He's taken the curtains down. He's swept with the broom of contempt, and the rooms have an empty ring. He's cleaned with the tears of an actor who fears for the laughter's sting...
Thanks! I'd love it if you could do something for the remaining tracks when you have time. :D I really enjoyed Alvar, Laurel and the guitar version of Annabel.
I think I figured out how to do it, easy after the first time. I'll upload some tomorrow, some almost instrumentals/no string versions and stuff. It's fun!