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  • 118 Comments sorted by
  • An interview I've never seen before from Black Cherry era, i think the live footage is from Benicassim in 2001 though

  • Does anyone have the Deep Honey performance from Glastonbury 2008? Or any Deep Honey performance that isn't the Somerset House/Wonderful Electric one...
  • Satin Chic on a Head First Tour gig in Brazil!

  • I love satin chic as a song, it's so catchy. I've noticed though that there have been no TV advertisements this time round whereas for Seventh Tree I do recall seeing an ad on the telly.

    It was surreal sitting there eating my dinner to see Alison pop up on the TV!

    I wish she did more interviews too.

    I wonder as a band how long they will continue on their musical journey. Perhaps the next album will be rock and roll heavy metal style.

  • I love the piano on Satin Chick.
  • Are we starting to speculate about the next album now?! Yay!!
  • I predict the next album will be a heavy metal affair! (Aka black sabbath/meatloaf/kiss and ACDC)

    Gothfrapp is coming at you!
  • I think rock n roll electric guitars would add further power to their creativity. And provide more of a boost to their songs giving them an edgier feel.

    And loads more drum beats to be put in.
  • Anyone else remember when Alison sung all of Utopia, including the intro?
    From 2001. Enjoy!

    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2017-05-15 15:26:23
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • I wonder when she realised she couldn't sing it anymore?  Seems to have been a recent thing with Silver Eye, but when did she last perform the full song?
    Soon be nothing of this world.
  • I first saw her do it in 2004, first supporting Duran Duran at the NEC then much closer up at Sala Razamattaz in Barcelona. Then, she would sing the operatic part at the start, then the spoken part next ( It's a strange day, no colours or shapes) and then the rest of the song to its operatic denouement.
    She was still doing this on the Head First tour (see vid) but was using a taped operatic part at the start on TOU tour. She has always sung the last part though.

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • So basically Head First was the last she was able to perform the full song, wonder why it's been such a big thing in interviews of late then when she couldn't do it 4 years ago either?  
    Soon be nothing of this world.
  • Couldn't is a bit of a presumption. The end section contains notes as high as the opening, so I doubt it is a nailed on can't. I would suggest it is more chooses not to as it is commonly a set opener, or very early, and it may just be protecting her voice. Who wants to walk out on stage and launch straight into what is a very challenging vocal?
    She probably uses the first part of the song to limber up! The human voice does deepen with age though. Alison has always had a deep bottom range. As they say, there's money in the basement!
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2017-05-16 16:57:42
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • As they say, there's money in the basement!

    Who says this, and why haven't they heard of mildew and mice? ;^)
  • Yes, I imagine its more about protecting her voice, perhaps because although the notes in the opening phrases aren't as high as the closing one, they are quite sustained (2seconds +). I'm reliably told that a sustained high note is harder on the voice than a shorter but higher one.

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